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The Search for Minecraft's Far Lands
The Search for Minecraft's Far Lands

Millions of blocks out on our Minecraft Server, there is rumored to be a city that lies in a strange place called the Far Lands. With the Mafia quickly taking over our server, Wifies, Dean, and I must find this city to try and build an army to fight back. This is the Search for Minecraft's Far Lands Like ParrotX2 and his Unstable Universe series where he broke into Minecraft's Most Secure Prisons or got Hunted by Minecraft's Deadliest Players. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or Lifesteal with rekrap2, Grian or MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on. People in this video: @Wifies Dean @ratrick @finiahn @TaiMC @Falcuno @PukiYT @Wato-1876 @Reeon @DumbIsDumb @Sorhin @nezoshoki @TheSorta1 @Lamibee Pro4d This is a video on the Unstable Universe: a staged Minecraft server where ParrotX2, Wemmbu, and Spoke aim to tell the best stories possible. A Minecraft video made by Parrot or ParrotX2 on other platforms! Enjoy!


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❗❗❗ 对于视频没有声音的问题,可分别下载视频和音频然后使用下列几种方式解决 👇



微信扫码支付 1.99 (原价 2.99) 立即下载音视频合成后的文件

方式二:使用 PotPlayer 合并视频音频播放

下载无声音的视频文件,并使用 PotPlayer ( 打开视频,播放界面鼠标右键 -> 打开 -> 载入音频 -> 文件类型选择「所有文件(*.*)」 -> 选择下载的音频文件(例如xxx.weba),现在视频就有声音了,如下图。
方式二:使用 PotPlayer 合并视频音频播放

方式三:使用 FFmpeg 合并视频音频为一个文件

ffmpeg -i video.webm -i audio.weba -vcodec copy output.mp4

合成后的 output.mp4 将是有声音的

FFmpeg Download:

Windows: winget install ffmpeg
